Quico to his mother and part of the family. Fatefully Chico to his friends in Portugal. Sjieko to Judith, Cicco to Rebecca and Franciscus to Elias. Fransisco at work. Francis Goneia once. Often "spelled like San Francisco", and Francesco most of the time. Francisco Correia (°1996, Lisbon) lives and works in Brussels.
Over the last few years, Francisco's work has fluctuated between the absurdity of everyday life (finitude, work, economy) and the unlimited capacity of storytelling to extrapolate reality into the realm of fantasy. These ideas intertwine with an interest in making objects that embody personal memories, and at the same time suggest a general familiarity through the links with graphic communication, television or set design. On a broader perspective, Francisco's different groups of works create narratives that are developed taking into account the specific context and architecture of each exhibition. This is at the moment a key point to his practice: to create exhibitions as if writing short stories, in other words, to create small worlds that through objects and text carry the public through semi-fictional narratives.
Besides his own artistic practice, he is co-founder of the collective aDrogaria (PT), and directs a project on the back pages of Umbigo magazine (PT), where he presents work by visual artists dealing with the mediums of writing, communication and graphic design.