04.05.23 — 19u

Doris Hardeman (°1993, Rheden, NL) lives and works in Brussels. Through the media of sculpture, writing and installation, Doris's conceptual and material research departs from the heterotopic space that balances on the borders of both the personal and the commercial structures of society. Through collecting, reproducing, and recontextualising objects, she attempts to create anecdotal yet poetic scenarios that latch onto social issues surrounding today's industrial manufacturability. Within the creation of these scenarios, which are intertwined with mythical references and set in contemporary frameworks, Doris searches for a means to reflect on how objects can shape the way we relate to time and thereby frame the perception of our surroundings. Paying close attention to the broad versatility of materials in terms of craftsmanship and the mass production industries, her works play with the authenticity, utility, practicality and the original value of her chosen materials, amplifying connotations concerning the industrial manufacturability of our present time.
  • In the context of a three-months solo-residency at Off the Grid in Cas-co and the opening of Doris Hardeman’s final presentation.
  • Language: English