Denys Shantar
12.09.24 — 19u

Denys Shantar is the current Artist-in-residence at Cas-co. His practice often uses his memo­ries and fami­ly his­to­ry, deploying dif­fe­rent mate­ri­als and tech­ni­ques to cre­a­te nar­ra­ti­ves laying bet­ween rea­li­ty and fic­ti­on. In his research about child­hood, reli­gi­on, migra­ti­on, and queer­ness, he links the per­so­nal to cur­rent glo­bal but also his­to­ri­cal events, wea­ving in sym­bols from mytho­lo­gy, art his­to­ry, fol­klo­re and Christianity. Denys uses pre­do­mi­nant­ly recy­cled, gif­ted, or found fabric and materials, often including religious iconography. 

His three-month residency period will culminate in a presentation on view at Cas-co between the 12th and 22nd of September.